Providing support for Christians in their faith journey across the state of California.


Do you feel lost in your connection with God because of the choices you have made or because of a traumatizing experience?

Do you wonder if you have lost your faith? Life’s challenges don’t have to be void of joy. Faith is a lifelong journey that will be tested over time. A believer may be faced with making decisions that contradict their value system. This conflict could potentially lead to struggles in their faith and they may start questioning their faith. Has the difficulties and challenges you have experienced affected your ability to make decisions based on God’s Word? Have you socialized with people that have influenced you negatively? Sometimes, the struggle is within and we question the values that we grew up with compared to the world views that appear to be enticing to us. When we succumb to the world’s values, it can start to affect our personal and professional relationships.

Each client has an individualized plan that will be tailored toward their goals. We can look at your faith journey and discuss your beliefs about what you feel your purpose on earth is and the avenues to accomplish those goals. We can discuss what healthy boundaries would look like in your personal and professional relationships.

My approach to Christian therapy includes having God as a guide in our sessions. If your desire is to discuss issues surrounding your faith, we can personalize a treatment plan to help achieve your goals for a healthier balance in your life. We will discuss thoughts and feelings that led to consequences to specific behaviors in the past and understand what needs to be changed to live a more fulfilled and joyous life.

What we can work on in Christian therapy:

  • Feel more connected to God.

  • Set healthy boundaries in personal and professional relationships.

  • Process through challenges from the past that caused negative behaviors and consequences to those behaviors.

  • Feel more confident in your spiritual journey.

  • Understand how to live out the important values in your life.


You can receive healing from the One that gave you iLife.

Frequently Asked Questions about Christian Counseling:

  • Christian therapy is counseling from a Christian perspective. Here, you will have the freedom to express your beliefs without fear or judgment.

  • Each person’s course of treatment is different. During the intake session, we will discuss your goals and formulate a plan to achieve those goals. Every six months, we will review those goals and make adjustments as needed.

  • Our thoughts and feelings are interconnected and known as part of the cognitive triangle (thoughts, feelings and behaviors). Our thoughts and feelings can deceive us into believing morals and values that contradict God’s Word. When we believe the lies, it affects our spiritual walk with the Lord. In therapy, we can process how those lies have affected our faith journey and begin healing and restoration in our relationship with God.

More questions? Check out my FAQs page.

Modalities Used in Christian Counseling:


With this form of treatment, we can focus on being present with God and listen to His Voice. Practicing mindfulness has been shown to reduce anxiety, stress and even depression. We will look at how distractions in the past have impacted your relationship with God and look to see if there’s been a disconnect in your ability to hear God’s Voice.


In this technique, we can start to process through images that may have influenced us to act in a negative manner and learn to reframe a particular image to reduce triggers to negative behaviors. We can utilize future templates to assist with responding accordingly if faced with a similar situation. EMDR is a proven method to help with decreasing anxiety, stress and trauma from past issues that affect us in the present day.

There is healing in the river of life.

-Mac Powell